Director of People refreshes Mental Health First Aid training

1 in 6 employees suffer with some form of mental health condition. From anxiety, through to depression, work is the main cause of stress and mental illness for today’s workforce over any other factor.

At Baltimore Consulting, we’ve always put a huge emphasis on our employee’s mental health and wellbeing – it’s part of our DNA.

Our award-winning Director of People and designated Mental Health First Aider, Louise Foster, has recently attended an Adult MHFA Refresher course and is now up to date with her Mental Health First Aid skills.

She says:

“It’s hugely important to have a mental health first aider in our business. Not only does it tell our team we care about them, but hopefully it shows them how important they are to us.

The Mental Health First Aid England course has given us the skills and tools to best help them in any situation no matter how big or small.

We all know that Mental Health presents itself in so many forms and the more aware we can be about it, the more we have the skills to be able to help.  With hybrid working becoming more of the norm, this potentially presents more challenges for some, so to be able spot warning signs remotely is even more beneficial.

With great internal signposting, openly talking frequently about mental health and personal wellbeing, we want to make sure every single member of our team knows where to go for help should they need it.”

This comes after Baltimore Consulting renew their partnership with Spectrum.Life as part of our continued commitment to our employees; allowing all employees the opportunity to access in-app therapy and mental support, 24/7.

They’ve also partnered with Bristol Mind as their Charity of the Year; the decision of which was an easy one. Charmaine has always offered additional support to her employees over the years, such as adjusting working hours and paying for private counselling sessions.

Supporting wellbeing and aiding issues surrounding mental health has ensured that employees have a positive focus at work and a real support network for all staff.


Lauren Cox

Head of Marketing