Vic Singh

Divisional Manager - Housing, Property & Regeneration

Vic Singh

My specialisms:

  • Housing Delivery
  • Homelessness / Housing Options
  • Supported and Sheltered Housing
  • Communities and Community Safety
  • Housing Strategy and Transformation

Who are you and what is your purpose?

I am the Divisional Manager – Housing, Property & Regeneration here at Baltimore Consulting, and am responsible for ensuring that our service is of the best possible standard for our candidates and clients alike.

What has been your greatest achievement (personal or professional)?

Like every doting father I would have to say my gorgeous 5-year-old girl!

What advice would you give other leaders out there?

Listen to your team, always be empathetic and explain the reasoning behind your decisions, as people respond well to logic.

Who inspires you? And why?

Nelson Mandela; he fought for equality and justness not only in his homeland but the world.

Favourite Food

It would have to be Nasi Lemak which is a Malaysian national dish! – Look it up.

What’s your leadership superpower?

I have empathetic understanding which has served me well so far.