Suzanne Rudd

Director of Sales Operations

Suzanne Rudd

Who are you and what is your purpose?

My overarching purpose is to provide support to those around me. In work, I support Baltimore Consulting’s sales operations division. My role involves strategically planning and launching new products or services as well as ensuring that everyone within the company continues to provide an excellent service to our clients and candidates alike. I’m also responsible for motivating the leadership and sales teams to ensure budgeted sales targets are met and for driving the culture of the business forward.

What has been your greatest achievement (personal or professional)?

This is a tough one! My biggest professional achievement would be taking the leap to help to grow Baltimore Consulting from inception, overcoming challenges and remaining resilient when times were tough. Starting at Baltimore Consulting as a Senior Consultant, I am now responsible for overseeing a very successful sales division. My ability to consistently pick myself up and push forward to find solutions and overcoming obstacles in order to achieve greater results and in turn seeing the benefits of my actions result into successes, really drives me and feels really rewarding. I am proud of what we have achieved here at Baltimore Consulting and the exceptional team we have with us today as we continue to thrive and grow.

My biggest personal achievement would be when I completed all of my dancing qualifications; yes, I do have some moves!

What advice would you give other leaders out there?

I believe that a leader is someone who can see how things can be improved whilst motivating others to move towards becoming that better version of themselves. Leaders can work at making their vision a reality but must always remain committed to putting others first. Just being able to motivate people isn’t enough; leaders need to be empathetic, have good listening skills, remain open and able to connect with people to be successful whilst remaining committed to improving the wellbeing of others, because unless this is achieved you will never get the best out of people.

Who inspires you? And why?

My mother is my greatest inspiration. She has faced a lot of adversity in her life, and had to raise my brother and I as a single mother. She worked extremely hard with a day and night job to provide for us which allowed us to still do the things we loved, including my dance lessons which involved walking miles on a daily basis to get me there and back as we didn’t have a car. I rarely saw her complain about her fate. What I really admire is her enthusiasm for life, and her ability to adapt quickly to changing conditions and challenges and never letting herself feel defeated. Maybe, by following her example in both my personal and professional life, I can pay back some of what she did for me.

Favourite Food?

Just one?! Okay, it would have to be cheese, and I mean any cheese – no preferences here!

Since leaving red meat behind a year ago I have also developed a slight obsession with seafood.

What’s your leadership superpower?

Nurturer/Motivator – I really enjoy seeing others develop and achieve their goals. By providing consistent, one-on-one support with my team, this allows me to really build a foundation that is tailored to understanding their individual strengths and helping them bring out the best in themselves. I also thrive whilst working as a team and enjoy motivating others; in turn that motivates me. Having fun whilst working hard is crucial for me.