Last week, our Marketing Manager, Lauren Cox, attended a digital workshop on celebrating pride in the workplace held by Stonewall.
The session aims were to:
- Understand more about the LGBTQ+ Pride movement and how Pride is celebrated today
- Explore some of the current challenges still facing the LGBTQ+ community, at work and in wider society and why Pride is still so needed
- Discuss how organisations can best use this time to support the community and how we celebrate meaningfully while many of us are working remotely
Whilst diversity and inclusivity is integral to our culture here at Baltimore Consulting, we know that there is always more to be done internally. It’s a continual work in progress; we don’t claim to be the best, but we are not standing still, and we make every effort to improve.
We value the opinions of all our staff, and we make decisions based on a unified voice through our internal EDI forum.
Why is it so important?
Pride at work
35% of LGBT people in the UK have hidden their sexual orientation or gender identity at work because they were afraid of discrimination.
38% of bi people aren’t out to anyone at work about their sexual orientation.
12% of trans people and 10% of BAME LGBT people have been physically attacked by customers or colleagues because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.